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Using a boom box with gator sounds?
Tue Aug 18, 2009 7:05 pm
by jpatz18
Has anyone tried this? i was thinking of getting a cd with baby gator sounds and the territory call and played it when we got closer to a bigger gator. Do you think it would scare him or make him mad thinking a gator is trying to move in on his territory.
Re: Using a boom box with gator sounds?
Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:35 pm
by admin
I tried this one year and it did not do me any good or bad. They never came came or left. I have had others tell me that they have had success. I am not sure what sounds they were playing. I have played the baby gators and an adult gator bellow. I have been with people who used their mouth to call gators. I might try it again. I might of had picky gators on that lake. If you have success let me know which sounds you were using. Sites on the web have gator sounds that you can download. I just made a loop of the same sounds to make a longer run.
Re: Using a boom box with gator sounds?
Mon Sep 13, 2010 12:22 am
by elcheapo
I used the baby gator sounds tonight and got a ten two fat female in hancock at 8 ish she stopped 5 ft from boat in the cat tails and i had to harpoon her in the snout.Can u beleive the damn thing actually stayed in .I hit it with all I had .Thanks to the tips I bought from bill ( at a very good elcheapo price).If there is a gator within hearing distance of that cd it is comming.