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using a lure hooks allowed?
Thu Aug 13, 2009 10:04 am
by jpatz18
when i was going to fish for a gator using the lure are hooks allowed? Also what do the township mean?
Re: using a lure hooks allowed?
Thu Aug 13, 2009 5:37 pm
by admin
Florida answer is: If you have an artifical lure hooks can be one it. If there is any non artifical bait (fish, chicken etc) then no hooks can be present and you can use up to a two inch wooden peg. We use a piece of old broom handle. Reference page 12 of the handbook. Townships have to do with the boundrey lines of the local areas kinda like county lines. What zone are you hunting? We can try to point you to where you can see those boundry lines. Side note is if you use the lure you may catch a gator that is not as big as you would like. If you snag it with a big hook in the hide the hooks do not generally pennatrate and they will get off if the line goes slack. Oops
Re: using a lure hooks allowed?
Sat Aug 15, 2009 1:26 am
by chicken chunker
Yep, by Florida rules you can use an artificial lure with hooks, but whatever you hook you are suppose to keep and you may end up with a small gator.
Re: using a lure hooks allowed?
Mon Aug 17, 2009 8:23 pm
by jpatz18
Management Unit #502: St. Johns River (Lake Poinsett)
The state-owned waters located within the water line of the St. Johns River in Brevard,
Osceola, and Orange counties; within Townships 24S, 25S, 26S and 27S and Ranges 34E,
35E, and 36E; north of US Hwy. 192 and south of SR 520; and including Lakes Washington,
Winder, and Poinsett; excluding more than 50 yards up any connecting natural or manmade
Re: using a lure hooks allowed?
Tue Aug 18, 2009 7:12 am
by baddogACE
Im hunting Poinsette also. Not sure about the township thing though, other than you cant go past the bridge into the river where fishcamp is. This is our 3rd year there and we had some good luck. I have read about the using of artificial baits but have never seen any. Thought about trying a fake chicken thats been sitting in chicken blood. Might work LOL. Good luck to you
Re: using a lure hooks allowed?
Tue Aug 18, 2009 7:00 pm
by jpatz18
really man that sucks thats where all the gators are! Lone cabbage loves to feed the gators over there. LOL. Figures. All the big smart gators go over there. What week are you? Would you mind me tagging along as this is my for yr and i pulled 3 permits. I just dont wanna kill/hurt myself. What your average gator size? What way do you use? I have a harpoon and a .44 bang stick. I was thinking of usinf a snatch hook on the big ones.
Re: using a lure hooks allowed?
Tue Aug 18, 2009 11:16 pm
by admin
The following is a link to terraserver for the area of Lake Poinsett. At certain zoom levels you will see references to Txx and Rxx lines. These lines are what they are referencesing in the zone descrtiptions. If you soak your fake chicken in blood then you will most likly no longer fall into artifical lure which allows a hook.