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Spooky Gators

PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 10:15 pm
by nellidrake
I have gone alligator hunting the last three years with some success. We have spent hours upon hours trying to sneak up close enough to get a good cast on the large gators but it seems they always duck under the water before we get close enough. With the hunting pressure increasing each year, it seems like it is getting more difficult to get close enough to the big boys. The current is pretty swift in the rivers we hunt and the water is deep so we have had no success casting where they go down. I was wondering what tips you guys had on getting as close as possible to the gators. I feel like I have tried everything and hope to be able to figure something out that works for this season. Thanks so much for your help!

Re: Spooky Gators

PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 10:02 pm
try chunking chicken

Re: Spooky Gators

PostPosted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 6:09 pm
by firebustr
Play the current!! Find where the big ones are staying, go upstream from that with a large chunk of floating bait. Anchor or tie off to something and just let it float down to them. You eliminate the need to sneak up on them they come to you. If you have one of the picky ones that won't eat then release some line when you see the gator stalking the bait and let it come right to their nose.

Side Note: In the past I have taken my wooden plug and ran it through the chicken then took spray foam and filled the chicken with it. Chicken never sank.

Re: Spooky Gators

PostPosted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:03 pm
by admin
Beef or Hog lung will float without adding anything.