by admin » Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:17 am
Yes I agree. We use snatch hooks a lot during a season. Personally I have at least six in my box in additon to what is on my rods each night I go out. Many days I never loose a hook. Some times I have lost as many as three on a single gator as we are trying to get it harpooned. If one rod breaks off we will slow play him on another rod until we get a second hook on it. Then we lay it into them. For casting we mostly use the 12/0 which is not that expensive of a hook to loose. After spending all that money on tags a few hooks are a cheep insurance that they will be there if you need them. If you find yourself in a bind, we will get new ones out the door in a hurry. We have many people each year that get one or two and then are back into the season picking up more. If they would have purchased them the first time around there would not have been the extra postage and they would have saved money.