What to do?

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What to do?

Postby Nock Point » Thu Oct 07, 2010 10:01 am

We have all been there.....

You are putting the sneak on a motionless gator in and around woody cover. You have the light on him and everyone is quiet. Water depth ranges from 3' to 8'. As the boat glides in, the gator slowly sinks while you are just out of shot/harpoon range. As the boat inches forward and eventually reaches the spot the gator was just at, he seems to have disapeared. No sign of him anywhere. No bubbles. No mud trail. No nothing. He can't be far.....or is he?

What is the action to take ? Or maybe more importantly, what NOT to do?
Nock Point
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Oct 06, 2010 10:26 am

Re: What to do?

Postby chicken chunker » Thu Oct 07, 2010 9:55 pm

Yep, We've been there too often.

First thing we try is maintaining quite, while dragging a snatch hook or two through the spot the gator went down. If the bottom is soft the gator might sink into it making it difficult to hook, you could gently poke around with the harpoon until you locate it and harpoon it laying in the mud. And/Or if you know the bottom will bubble trail then make some loud noise, like cranking the engine or banging on the bottom of the boat and see if that makes him move.

Or you can sit a wait and see if it pops backup.

Another option if your allowed to use bait and you are sure its one you want target, drop a bait and back off about a hundred yards or so, or get your boat in some cover.

To me doing nothing is not an option, we have used all of the options above with success under various situations. But you need to consider all the conditions then try something.
chicken chunker

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